New STF president calls for harmony among three branches

03/06/2004 - 20h42

Brasília, June 4, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - In his inaugural address, the new president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Minister Nelson Jobim, called for harmony among the branches of government and proposed the formulation of a common agenda for the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial powers. "Let's sit down at the table. All of us. Lawyers, judges, prosecutors, academics, social organizations ... the Executive and the Legislature. Let's lower our arms. Let's join the dialogue and the democratic debate."

At the side of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Jobim did not criticize the Administration, but he called attention to the need for union among the branches. "We are no more than, nor are we less than, the other powers. With them, together in harmony, we should serve the Nation," he said.

Jobim defended the reform of the Judiciary, affirming that the nation needs a judicial system that meets three requirements: accessibility to all, predictability in its decisions, and decisions within a socially and economically tolerable time frame.

"The question of the Judiciary has become an urgent issue for the nation," he said. In his view, the theme was removed from the limited circle of judges, prosecutors, and lawyers and reached the streets. "The citizens want results. They want a judicial system without bosses and overseers. They want a system that serves the nation, not its members," he pointed out.

The new president of the STF also referred to the National Council (outside control), one of the items included in the Judicial reform proposal under scrutiny in the Senate. "It is impossible to imagine that this Council, by its composition alone, will come to violate spheres of autonomy and independence," he affirmed. "Independence is not incompatible with responsibility. To the contrary, independence demands responsibility," he added, asserting that the Council will have nothing to do with the content of judicial decisions.

Minister Jobim called attention to the need to modernize the courts. "Informatization is more than a prerequisite of administration modernization. It is an indispensable operational condition for legitimacy, which is the result of efficiency." he declared.

In addition to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Jobim's investiture was attended by the Minister of Political Coordination, Aldo Rebelo; Planning, Guido Mantega; Finance, Antônio Palocci; Justice, Márcio Thomaz Bastos; and Government Communications, Luiz Gushiken.


Nelson Jobim has experience in the three federal government branches. He was elected Federal Deputy in 1987 and re-elected in 1991 from fhe state of Rio Grande do Sul. In 1989 he presided the Constitution and Justice Commission in the Chamber of Deputies. He was Minister of Justice from January, 1995, to April, 1997, when he was named to the post of Minister of the STF.

Jobim joined the Federal Electoral Court (TSE) as a substitute judge from July, 1997, to February, 1999, when he obtained a permanent appointment. In March, 2001, he took over as vice-president of the TSE. On April 9, he was elected vice-president of the STF.

Reporter: Luciana Vasconcelos and Ana Paula Marra
Translator: David Silberstein