WSF: union leaders discuss solutions for unemployment problem

25/01/2006 - 15h23

Andre Deak
Reporter Agência Brasil

Caracas (Venezuela) – Representatives of labor unions from all over the Americas are meeting at the 6th World Social Forum to work out a common strategy for dealing with the crisis in labor unions in general and discuss the problem of unemployment.

The executive secretary of the Latin American Workers Confederation (CLAT), the Cuban Eduardo Garcia Moure, says that it is not just unemployment that is the problem. "It is also outsourcing and underemployment. We need economic policies that create real, full-time jobs. We must be committed to working together with governments to reach this goal," he said in a speech at an event parallel to the WSF, the 2nd Americas Labor Union Forum (2º Fórum Sindical das Américas).

Marcio Monzane, a Brazilian who works in Panama at Uni-America, a global labor union for the services sector, declared that it is important for workers to reach a consensus that will allow them to be united in facing the problems of neoliberalism. "We still have a lot of problems when we try to come together. We spend more time bogged down in impasses than in looking for solutions," he said.

Translation: Allen Bennett