Minister calls for sustainable growth in hog raising

24/01/2006 - 22h06

Marli Moreira
Reporter - Agência Brasil

São Paulo - The Brazilian government intends to develop a National Hog Raising Plan to promote sustainable growth in this sector. The announcement was made yesterday (24), in São Paulo, by the minister of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, Roberto Rodrigues, at a meeting sponsored by the Brazilian Hog Raisers' Association (ABCS) with representatives of the sector.

"Hog raising has been growing vigorously in the rural economy, and it is a very good sector for small farmers, very important to family farming, and a segment of great interest to the government," the minister emphasized.

Rodrigues defended the need for a policy that involves the entire supply chain - swine, poultry, and corn. At the meeting the ABCS and the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) signed an agreement to establish a study commission that will set norms for production and commercialization in this segment.

Pork producers want to expand domestic consumption of their product. Annual per capita pork consumption in Brazil is estimated to be around 12 kilograms, regarded as small in comparison with other countries, such as Denmark, where annual per capital pork consumption is around 76 kilograms.

Data from the Brazilian Industrial Association of Pork Producers and Exporters (ABIPECS) show that Brazil exported 2.6 million tons of pork in 2005, for earnings of US$ 1.2 billion. In the assessment of ABIPECS marketing director, Jurandir Machado, exports should grow around 10% in 2006.

Translation: David Silberstein