A renewed effort to find missing children

24/01/2006 - 15h02

Marcela Rebelo
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – The head of the Special Secretariat for Human Rights, Paulo Vannuchi, says that by placing photos of missing children on lottery tickets it may be possible to triple the number of those children who are found. Vannuchi made his comment as he signed a contract with the Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF), which runs federal lotteries in Brazil, to have a photo, name and date of disappearance placed on tickets. It is also possible, in cases of children who have been missing for a long time, that some of the tickets will have a computerized photo of what a long lost child would look like at this time.

There are some 40,000 cases of missing children in Brazil annually. According to Amarildo Baesso, the vice president of the Children's Rights Council (Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente) (Conanda), which is housed in the Ministry of Justice, most missing children cases are solved in 48 hours, but around 10% remain unsolved for long periods of time.

Translation: Allen Bennett