Portugal backs Brazil's bid for UN Security Council seat

06/05/2005 - 12h00

Flávio Dieguez
Reporter - Agência Brasil

In a collective interview at the residence of the new Portuguese Ambassador to Brazil, Francisco Seixas da Costa, the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diogo Freitas do Amaral, said he supports Brazil's bid for a seat on the United Nations (UN) Security Council. "We are in accordance with the general consensus that the number of members of the Security Council should be increased, and we obviously back Brazil's candidacy."

However, according to the Chancellor, reform of the UN Security Council should not be expected to occur in 2005. "On the basis of my experience with international diplomacy, [the Security Council issue] will be the most difficult part of UN reform, and I don't believe that it will happen in the near term, certainly not this year."

Regarding illegal Brazilian immigrants, Amaral says it is fine that many Brazilians are working in Brazil, but not clandestinely.

The Portuguese Foreign Affairs Minister was received by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Translation: David Silberstein