Earnings from poultry exports grow 20%

15/04/2005 - 15h39

Elisângela Cordeiro
Reporter - Agência Brasil

São Paulo - Brazilian chicken exports amounted to 231,871 tons in March, for revenues of US$ 256.8 million. In the first quarter, exports totaled 635,433 tons, earning US$ 685 million, 20.34% more than in the first quarter of 2004. This positive outcome was driven by higher market prices for Brazilian chicken, the end of the Russian embargo as of February 7, and the sanitary agreement signed with China.

The average price per ton of Brazilian chicken rose 9% in comparison with December, 2004, and reached US$ 1,110. This increase, according to the Brazilian Association of Chicken Exporters (Abef), is attributable to the quality and sanitary conditions of the Brazilian product, which already has a 43% share of the international market.

In the first three months of this year, Brazil exported 45 thousand tons of chicken to Russia, for which it received US$ 40 million. Transactions with China, after the sanitary agreement signed at the end of 2004, rose US$ 9 million in March, and sales to non-traditional markets added up to US$ 12 million.

The largest earnings, US$ 197.7 million, came from Asia, followed by the Middle East, which accounted for US$ 196.6 million, and the European Union, responsible for US$ 106 million. Despite the resumption of purchases by Argentina, shipments to the Mercosur totaled only US$ 597 thousand.

Translation: David Silberstein