Social security text by José Pimentel is approved without amendments

23/07/2003 - 23h18

Brasília, 7/24/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Yesterday the Special Commissão on Social Security Reform approved the text of the social security reform bill written by deputy José Pimentel (PT-CE) without amendments. The bill now goes to the floor of the Chambers of Deputies.

The voting went surprisingly fast (it was expected that some items would only be voted on today). In fact, actual votes took place on only three items: making retirees pay taxes, the ceiling on pensions, and extending social security coverage to an estimated 40 million workers who are employed on the so-called informal labor market. The rest of the items (destaques), totalling 125, were agreed on through negotiations.

The attempt to raise the ceiling on pensions (from R$1,584 to R$2,400) was defeated 27 to 11. The vote on including informal market workers went down 25 to 13, and the tax on retirees was maintained by a vote of 29 to 9.

The government's vice leader in the Chamber, Luiz Carlos da Silva (known as Professor Luizinho) (PT-SP), declared that the government victory was expected in spite of demonstrations against the bill. "Now we have to win the fight on the floor of the Chamber of Deputies," he declared. But an opposition deputy, Onyx Lorenzoni (PFL-RS), says that on the floor the tables will be turned on the government and the tax on retirees will be defeated. "We believe we can win the fight on the floor," said Lorenzoni.

Professor Luizinho says it is estimated that the social security reform bill will be voted on by the first week of August. "We want to send the bill to the Senate during the first half of September," he declared.

As for pressure by the Judicial branch, Professor Luizinho said it was not possible to meet all their demands. "We are doing our duty, which is to create social security justice. The judicial branch must understand that," he concluded. (AB)