Brazil and Ecuador discuss access to oceans

09/05/2005 - 19h02

Bruno Bocchini
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The Ecuadoran Minister of Economy, Rafael Correa, suggested a cooperation agreement in which Brazil gain the right to navegate through the port of Manta in exchange for permitting Ecuador to use the port of Manaus (Amazonas). Both countries would thus have access to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

The port of Manta is considered an important commercial center and seaside resort, besides being Ecuador's second largest port, after Guayaquil. Since 1999 it has been used by American forces as a strategic location in the war on narcotraffic.

The Ecuadoran Minister also presented two loan requests to the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES): US$ 60 million for the purchase of airplanes and US$ 190 million for the construction of a hydroelectric plant in Ecuadoran territory.

Correa made his remarks after a meeting with the Brazilian Minister of Development, Industry, and Foreign Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan. He said that Furlan's reaction was favorable to the proposal. "I believe that the funding will be concretized shortly," he concluded.

Translation: David Silberstein