Brasília, 9/22/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Minister of Environment, Marina Silva, saying that she is concerned that a temporary measure (MP) on transgenetic corps may be limited to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, declared that there should be broader, more definitive legislation on the issue. She cited a study now underway by various ministries which will be sent to congress in the future.
Silva called for a responsible discussion of the issue within the government, bearing in mind that whatever is done must have a legal basis. She added that her ministry's position is one of caution on the issue, pointing out that Brazil is a member of the Biodiversity Convention and congress is examining ratification of the Cartegena agreement. "Over the last eight years there has been patchwork legislation that did not resolve the problem. We need a longlasting solution," she declared.
The minister cited the decree signed by president Lula making labelling of transgenetic food mandatory. The Brazilian law is similar to European legislation, requiring that food that is one percent transgenetic be labelled as such. "Consumers deserve reliable information on the food they purchase," she said.
Silva said that one idea being examined was the distribution of conventional soybean seed by the Brazilian Farm Research Corporation (Embrapa) which has developed a first-class seed.
The minister declared that her ministry's position is not political-ideological against scientific or technological knowledge, but one of caution regarding the use of such knowledge. "This is not something it is easy to resolve. If it were we would not be doing all this work," said Silva. She concluded by saying that the presidential Chief of Staff, Jose Dirceu, was working together with the ministries involved to find a solution. (AB)