Mercosur/European Union integration is a priority for the Spanish Foreign Minister

15/07/2003 - 13h56

Madrid, July 15, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - "Integration between the Mercosur and the European Union is one of our priorities, and we are heavily involved in these negotiations," affirmed Ana Palácio, Spain's Minister of Foreign Relations, at a meeting today with her Brazilian counterpart, Minister Celso Amorim. Both agree that trade negotiations between the two blocs must advance in a political sense, instead of remaining restricted to technical details.

For Amorim, the European Union took an important step, when it reformed the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). "We are aware that the European Union has some room to negotiate access to its markets. We want the Union to take the interests of the Mercosur countries into account. This will strengthen not only our trade, but our political ties as well," Amorim explained.

"Brazil has always relied on Spain as a good friend in the Brazilian government's effort to maintain a balance in trade relations with the rest of the world," Amorim pointed out. Palácio made it clear that bilateral relations between Brazil and Spain are excellent in all respects. "Spain is the second largest investor in Brazil, second only to the United States. There are no conflicts in the relationship between our two countries."

Amorim calls for a vigorous campaign to combat terrorism, with respect for the principles of international law. "The more we are able to combat terrorism on the basis of mulilateral instruments, the United Nations above all else, the more effective we shall be. Not only in the short-run, but in the long-run, since the result has to be long-lasting," Amorim asserted.

"We can't shut our eyes to the fact that the cultural conditions in which terrorism develops, such as poverty, extreme poverty, hunger, and ignorance, have to be fought. If things continue the way they are, for each battle that is won, another will crop up," Amorim concluded. (DAS)