Zero Hunger improves living conditions in Guaribas and Acauã

02/05/2003 - 20h35

Brasília, May 5, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Zero Hunger Program pilot project, which has been functioning for almost three months in Guaribas and Acauã, in Piauí, has already improved living conditions for the population of the two municipalities. According to an assessment released by the program's coordinators, the funds transferred through the Food Card added R$ 50,000 to the local economy; the basic food needs of families that receive the benefit are being met, and there has been a significant decline in the number of cases of diarrheia registered in local health posts.

Moreover, houses are being built or rebuilt; streets are starting to be repared for paving; hundreds of residents obtained birth certificates, and some elderly people who obtained this document were able to request retirement. Around 600 people are learning to read and write, and many students, who were unable to keep up with classes because of visual deficiencies, received opthamalogical treatment and glasses. (DAS)