Berzoini assures that no benefit will be less than the minimum wage

02/05/2003 - 21h49

Brasília, May 5, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Minister of Social Security, Ricardo Berzoini, affirmed that, in the reform of social security, no retirement benefit will be less than the minimum wage. According to the Minister, the reform proposal does not establish a R$ 2,400 ceiling for civil servants who are still active, and the government does not want people to retire ahead of time, at the age of 60 for men and 55, for women.

"Public servants have the right to retire, but their pensions will be reduced by five percent for each year they retire ahead of time. If a women, for example, wants to retire at 52, her benefits will be reduced by 15%," the Minister explained. (DAS)