Egyptian Embassy issues official note about death of Egyptian in Brazil

30/04/2003 - 23h15

Brasília, May 1, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - On Wednesday (30), the Egyptian Embassay issued an official note commenting the articles published in various news media on the case of the death of the Egyptian citizen, Ibrahim Sayed Soliman. He was the first mate of an Egyptian ship that landed in São Paulo, on its way from Cairo. Soliman joined the crew after the vessel had departed for Macapá. On April 11, he died in Port Trombetas (PA), under suspect of having been infected by the anthrax bacillus.

In the note, the Embassy explains that the articles that were published "were not based on solid facts and made erroneous speculations" and that the medical bulletin that was issued on April 30 does not consider anthrax as the cause of death. (DAS)