Some Varig flights continue, but others are cancelled

21/06/2006 - 19h01

Rio, 6/22/2006 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - In a note released yesterday afternoon the directors of Varig reported that the company will continue to operate the following regularly scheduled flights.

Weekly flights to Aruba and Copenhagen.

Daily flights to Miami, Frankfurt, London, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santa Cruz de La Sierra (in Bolívia); Santiago and Caracas.

And domestic flights to Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo (including shuttle flights) Salvador; Recife; Fortaleza; Belém; Manaus, Curitiba; Porto Alegre, Florianópolis; Macapá, Brasília, Foz do Iguaçu and Fernando de Noronha will operate normally.

Translation: Allen Bennett