Patrícia Landim
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - Approving a Cooperation Platform among Portuguese-speaking countries was discussed yesterday (24) by technical personnel and ministers of Environment at a meeting that will run through Friday (26). Brazil will submit a draft of the proposed Platform to representatives of Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, San Tomé and Principe, and East Timor.
According to the head of the International Advisory division of the Ministry of Environment, Fernando Lyrio, the areas of cooperation highlighted in the document are: environmental information, education, and legislation; biodiversity; climate change; desertification; water resources, coastal and marine environmental management; sectorial evaluation and project formulation; and training for international negotiations. "The idea is to present the document at the meeting on Friday as an input for ministerial debate, since they can include issues that may have been omitted in the technical segment," Lyrio informed.
The signing of an environmental education agreement between Brazil and Angola is also set for the final day of the meeting. The Angolan representative, Carlos Santos, said that the agreement provides for the participation of Brazilian technical personnel in the training of Angolans.
Translation: David Silberstein