Footwear sector protests exchange rate in Brasilia

10/05/2006 - 7h34

Brasília - Yesterday three thousand representatives of the leather and footwear sector were in Brasília to protest the government's exchange rate policy.

According to the Footwear Industry Association (Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Calçados) (Abicalçados), last year Brazil footwear exports were down 20 million pairs, compared to 2004. Meanwhile, footwear imports from China rose by 14 million pairs. Abicalçados says that as a result over 12,000 jobs disappeared in the sector just this year.

The protestors met with minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan, and demanded a level playing field in order to deal with Chinese imports and more credit for working capital in the sector.

Translation: Allen Bennett