Brazilian drug policy praised in UN report

03/03/2006 - 14h50

Irene Lôbo
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – Drug traffic control policy along what is known as the Triple Border region ( Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina), which is run by the Brazilian Federal Police, has been praised an as example for other countries in a UN-linked organization's report on drug traffic (relatório anual de 2005 da Junta Internacional de Fiscalização de Entorpecentes (Jife). The independent organization is known as the Drug Inspection Board.

The report is positive about Brazil's joint efforts with its neighbors, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile in controlling the flow of drugs, and the Six Border Operation with Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, plus the United States, which monitors chemicals used to manufacture cocaine and heroin.

The Jife report also praises Brazilian legislation, such as Law 7.134 of 2002, that decriminalizes drug use. The head of the Office of Institutional Security, general Jorge Armando Felix, says it is important to separate the drug dealer who makes a profit from an illegal activity from the user who is just a victim of a crime.

Translation: Allen Bennett