Magistrates want to end nepotism in the legislative and executive branches, too

16/02/2006 - 22h04

Lana Cristina
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The Brazilian Magistrates' Association (AMB) plans to file a motion with the federal and state Public Defense Ministries calling for the prohibition against hiring relatives in the judiciary, a practice known as nepotism, to be applied, as well, to the legislative and executive branches.

This intention was announced, yesterday (16) by the president of the AMB, Rodrigo Collaço, following the special session of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) at which a preliminary ruling was issued to the association recognizing the constitutionality of the rule prohibiting the hiring of relatives up to three degrees removed and spouses of judges and magistrates.

The rule was promulgated in November, 2005, by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), a body charged with publishing norms and recommendations that ensure the autonomy of the judiciary. Tuesday (14) was the deadline for dismissing relatives who fit this definition, but varous state courts decided to await the STF's decision.

"It was a victory for the judiciary, the first branch to abolish nepotism. Today we gained the credibility and legitimacy to demand an end to nepotism in the other branches, as well," Collaço declared.

Translation: David Silberstein