Lula renews proposal for Doha Round summit

31/01/2006 - 20h54

Brasília – Yesterday president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva telephoned the prime minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair, to repeat his proposal for a summit of G-8 and G-20 leaders to discuss the Doha Round trade issues.

According to the president's press secretary, Lula suggested that details for the meeting could be worked out during the Progressive Governance Summit, scheduled for February 11 and 12 in South Africa. At that time, contact could be established with presidents Bush, of the US, and Chirac, of France, Lula told Blair.

Lula also pointed out to Blair that the modest results of the recent Hong Kong World Trade Organization meeting made it more than ever important for separate talks by representatives of the G-8 and the G-20. Lula said the trade discussions had reached a point where a political intervention was called for.

The Blair telephone conversation was the third in a series since last week regarding the idea for a minisummit. Lula already spoke to Thabo Mbeki, of South Africa, and Angela Merkel, of Germany.

Translation: Allen Bennett