Consumer confidence falls

30/11/2005 - 9h18

Aécio Amado
Reporter Agência Brasil

Rio - The latest survey of Consumer Confidence by the Getulio Vargas Foundation found that the index fell from 104.2 in October to 102 in November.

There was also a drop in the Expectations index, going from 106.1 in October to 104.1 in November.

However, when asked to evaluate the economic situation, consumers had a better opinion of it in the latest poll than in October. In October, 10.6% of those interviewed said the economic situation was good; in November that rose to 11.1%. And in October, 47.7% of those interviewed said the situation was bad; while in November only 46.5% said it was bad.

The survey interviewed 1,969 people in Brazil's main cities between November 1 and 22.

Translation: Allen Bennett