Stênio Ribeiro
Reporter - Agencia Brasil
Brasilia – The Minister of Development, Industry and External Trade, Luiz Fernando Furlan, and the Minister of Mines and Energy, Silas Rondeau, will travel this Saturday (19) to Algeria, on a commercial mission of the Brazilian government, along with a delegation of 50 entrepreneurs, who will stay in Algiers (its capital) from November 20-22. The objective of the trip is to develop business and investment opportunities and to increase commercial exchange between both countries, according to the Ministries.
The entrepreneurs are interested in exporting various products and services, such as construction-related, vehicles, airplanes, meat, computers, machines and equipment. They will participate on rounds of negotiation with local entrepreneurs, contacted by the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACI).
The commercial mission will arrive to Algiers Sunday (20). On the same day, they will visit the Randon-Cevital, a bus assembly plant that resulted from a partnership between the two countries. Afterwards, the President of Algeria, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, will receive the delegation. At the occasion, Minister Furlan will hand him a letter by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in which he emphasizes the importance of bilateral partnerships.
Brazilian authorities will also meet Algerian Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development, of Commerce, of Industry, of Small and Medium Businesses and Crafts, of Energy and Mines, and of the General Secretariat of External Business.
A seminar called "Brazil-Algeria: Business Opportunities", next Monday (21), will provide information about both countries: their foreign commercial relations, investments processes, products, internal privatization processes, etc. The recently signed agreement between Algeria and the European Union will be given special attention.
Translation: Andréa Alves