Daniel Lima
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - The vice-president of the World Bank, Vinod Thomas, said yesterday (23) that the Bank has US$ 1.5 billion available this year for Brazil and that, through partnerships with foundations and civil society organizations, this amount could be augmented 50%.
Thomas participated in the second day of debates of the Dialogue of Foundations, Social Networks, the Brazilian Government, and the World Bank, sponsored by the Foundations Unit of the World Bank and the International Committee of the European Foundation Centre. The event, in Brasília, gathered representatives of international agencies and civil society organizations to discuss the possibility of creating partnerships to undertake social actions.
In Thomas's opinion, the encounter provided a meaningful opportunity to discuss partnerships between civil society organizations and institutions like the World Bank.
Thomas said that 2005 could be a very important year for Brazil's economic stability, with the renewal of sustainable growth into the future. In his view, this will attract many foreign investments.
Translation: David Silberstein