Brasília - At the invitation of the World Bank, the Minister of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation, Patrus Ananias, will make a presentation, tomorrow (19), to Egyptian government officials on Brazil's Family Grant Program. The encounter will take place in the city of Luxor, 640 kilometers south of Cairo.
The purpose of the meeting is to demonstrate international experiences in income transfer programs to contribute to social reform in Egypt, which plans to change its current food subsidy policy. In addition to Brazil, Mexico and countries from Eastern Europe will present their social programs.
Among other participants, the encounter will be attended by the president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, and the Bank's director-representative in Brazil, Vinod Thomas.
The Family Subsidy Program transfers income to poor families whose monthly income does not exceed US$ 39 (R$ 100). The goal is to combat extreme poverty and social exclusion and promote the emancipation of these families, which receive monthly financial assistance.
Translation: David Silberstein