Luciana Vasconcelos
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - One of the purposes of a meeting held Wednesday (16), in Brasília, by Federal prosecutors and judges from all over Brazil in charge of cases investigated by the Federal Police involving corruption and money-laundering is to expand the country's dialogue with the United States to reinforce the war on money-laundering.
They discussed procedural standards in actions to block access to property in the United States. "It is important for Brazilian professionals to have a good understanding of the American judicial system. This is also in the interests of the United States. It represents a form of cooperation that works both ways, and there is a worldwide movement underway in the sense of collaboration among countries to combat crime," said the national secretary of Justice of the Ministry of Justice, Cláudia Chagas.
According to Chagas, Brazil has made an effort to acquire specialization in the area of legal cooperation, which, according to her, is fundamental in the fight against money-laundering and other crimes.
Translation: David Silberstein