PT issues note denying opposition to activities of Public Interest Defenders

20/01/2004 - 21h24

Brasília, January 21, 2004 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - In an official note released yesterday (20), the national president of the PT, José Genoino, affirms that the Workers Party and the head of the Presidential Civilian Advisory Staff, Minister José Dirceu, are not opposed to the activities of the Pulbic Interest Defenders and the Police of São Paulo, but they criticize excesses, such as the leaking of information contained in a case that is under judicial secrecy. In the note, referring to the case of Celso Daniel, the PT affirms that it is in favor of breaking judicial secrecy in the investigation that is being conducted by the Public Interest Defenders and, therefore, "is in favor of complete freedom of information, provided it is truthful and grounded in ethical principles."

The note also emphasizes that the PT is in favor of outside, democratic control over all branches of government, such as the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary, and, in the very same way, it is in favor of outside, democratic control over the Public Interest Defenders. The document concludes with an affirmation that "the Workers Party desires a dialogue with the Public Interest Defenders, but has criticisms about the excesses committed by some members and sectors of this institution, who distorted the drift of the speech made by Minister José Dirceu during the act of repudiation on behalf of Deputy Greenhalgh. No power is above good and evil." (DAS)