Santos: MINUSTAH will not change its attitude following general's death

15/01/2006 - 9h51

Érica Santana
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - In an interview with the Agência Brasil, the director of the United Nations (UN) Information Center in Brazil, Carlos dos Santos, believes that the way the UN peace mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) will proceed following the death of Brazilian general Urano Bacellar will not be altered. "One doesn't embark blind on missions of this type. There are very specific terms of reference that the commanders, the secretary-general's representative, and everyone else try to implement adopting the best criteria and in a way they consider ideal for the Haitian people and the mission's success."

According to dos Santos, there is nothing to prevent Brazil from reassuming command of the peace forces following general Bacellar's death. "Mainly because the other countries that are contributing to the peace forces have already been contacted, and they all expressed their desire for Brazil to continue leading the Blue Helmets in Haiti."

The director of the UN Information Center in Brazil judges that the peace mission should remain in Haiti for several months after the elections. "The elections constitute a small step towards democracy, but to consolidate and provide technical assistance to democracy and confront the huge task that lies ahead suggest that staying only until through the elections and then closing up shop and departing is not enough. There is a long process that doesn't end with the elections but is just a beginning."

Translation: David Silberstein