Two Brazilians are arrested in Zambia

15/02/2006 - 22h27

Agência Brasil

Brasília - The Ministry of Foreign Relações Exteriores reports that it is ready to provide consular assistance to the two Brazilians, Carlos Barcelos and Jamil Craveiros, who were arrested in Zâmbia on February 11. The two men are pastors in the Universal Kingdom of God Church (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus). Information reaching Brazil is that Barcelos and Craveiros, who were doing missionary work, were taken into custody by immigration officials in the city of Lusaca, and then transported to an unknown location.

Brazil's embassy in neighboring Zimbabwe is handling the case.

It has also been reported that the two men will be deported to South Africa and that their families will have to leave Zambia within a week.

Translation: Allen Bennett