Itamaraty calls on Haitian politicians to find peaceful solutions

13/02/2006 - 22h31

Adriana Franzin
Agência Brasil

Brasília - In a note the Foreign Ministry (Itamaraty) called on Haitian politicians "to reach an understanding within the law in a spirit of conciliation."

During the presidential elections this week there was chaos due to a somewhat disorganized voting process: too many people and too many lines (there were lines to check documents, lines to get ballots and lines to vote). Brazilian soldiers, as part of the UN Stabilization Mission (Minustah), on duty at polling stations, were forced to fire into the air and use tear gas to control the multitude on various occasions.

The note from the ministry expresses hope for the strengthening of democracy in Haiti "in a peaceful and serene manner."

Trtanslation: Allen Bennett