Petition asks for the elimination of the practice of nepotism

13/02/2006 - 18h29

Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – The President of the Brazilian Bar Association, Roberto Busato, handed to the President of the Chamber of Representatives, Aldo Rebelo, this Monday (13), a petition containing over five thousand signatures of people requesting the Chamber to vote the Proposal for Constitutional Amendment (PEC) that forbids nepotism (favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives) in all levels of the three branches of the Republic.

According to Busato, Aldo Rebelo showed interest for the subject and committed to vote the proposal as immediately as possible.

The PEC that eliminates nepotism has already been approved by the Chamber’s Commission of Constitution and Justice and by the Special Commission of Merit. It will now be voted on in the plenary, and then, go to the Senate.

Translation: Andréa Alves