Small businesses get grants to help them become exporters

20/07/2005 - 21h46

Lourenço Melo
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasilia - The Brazilian support program for small businesses to become exporters (Programa brasileiro de Apoio à Inserção Internacional das Pequenas e Médias Empresas) (PMEs) will have a four-year budget of US$58.6 million. The program has been approved by the Foreign Financing Commission (Cofiex) which is housed in the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management.

Half of the program funding, US$29.3 million, will come from the European Union in the form of a grant.

The rest of the funding will come from the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, the Export Promotion Agency (Apex), the Small Business Administration (Sebrae) and trade associations.

Translator: Allen Bennett