Lílian de Macedo
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - As part of the Year of Brazil in France, Paris is receiving the Roots of Brazil program, a series of exhibits that demonstrate the diversity and arts of indigenous communities. This information was provided by Márcio Meire, secretary of Institutional Relations of the Ministry of Culture.
According to Meire, Brazilian art will also be present at the event, which began this month and will run through December. "We will have contemporary and modern artists," he guarantees. In May Paris will host an exposition on alternative environmental development projects formulated by Brazilians. "They represent solutions and paths that permit the economic and social sustainability of communities that live in the Amazon," he observes.
The participation of Africa in Brazil's formation will also be shown. "We will present exhibits on the great force that all those who came from Africa, and who constitute a significant part of Brazil's cultural origins, brought to Brazil." The country's diversified cuisine will also deserve a prominent place during the nine months of the exposition. "Typical dishes from the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Pará will travel to France," he says.
Meire emphasizes the importance of publicizing Brazilian culture in France. "France is a country that receives around 70 million tourists each year, people from all over the world who can become better acquainted with our country," he points out. In his view, another important aspect of the event is the economic effect. "It also helps to publicize Brazilian products, our creativity, and our technological capacity to produce export goods," he affirms . According to Meire, this year France is already importing more from Brazil than it has in previous years.
For the secretary, the government's policies have also ended up becoming an "export product." He believes that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been an innovator in this regard. "For example, Lula is placing the question of combatting hunger, as well as the necessity of creating a world fund to combat hunger and poverty, on the international agenda. And France is a country that has been one of Brazil's partners on this issue," he adds.
Translation: David Silberstein