Brasília - The random selection program for monitoring the application of federal resources in municipalities and the Transparency Site are among the Brazilian experiences that will be presented, beginning today (15), in Washington (US) by the Federal Comptroller-General's Office (CGU).
Through Thursday (17), the Federal Under-Comptroller General, Jorge Hage, who was invited by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), will participate in a seminar on effective measures to investigate and prosecute corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the CGU's press office, Hage will emphasize cooperation among various State agencies and the fomentation of social control.
The seminar will also deal with such themes as the conflict between public and private interests, the sharing of restricted information among government investigative organs, and initiatives to outlaw illicit gains by government officials. The CGU reports that there will also be presentations by representatives of international organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the Anti-Fraud Office of the European Union, as well as by American government agencies, such as the Justice Department and the Federal Reserve Bank.
Translation: David Silberstein