Industrial sector leads in new jobs this year

22/07/2004 - 20h30

São Paulo - The industrial sector is the economic segment that leads in job creation this year. Between January and May, 347,000 out of the 827,000 jobs created in Brazil were in the industrial sector. Those were legally registered, on-the-books jobs (com carteira assinada, registradas pelo Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (Caged)).

In June, however, the total of new jobs rose to 1,034,000. That is the largest difference between jobs created and jobs lost since the Caged was created in 1992.

Behind the industrial sector, in second place in new jobs, is the services sector, with 254,000. In third place is the farm sector, usually the sector with the most off-the-books jobs. It opened 144,000 new jobs between January and May. Commerce created 105,000 new jobs.

The January to May total of 847,000 new jobs is an increase of 90% over the same period in 2003.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Mylena Fiori
Translator: Allen Bennett