Brazilian prison system improving, says minister

26/02/2002 - 15h01

Brasilia, 27 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Minister of Justice Aloysio Nunes admitted tuesday - after signing a decree creating the 'National Program of Support and Supervision of Alternative Sentences and Measures' - that the Brazilian penitentiary system has a "profound deficiency", but stressed that the situation is improving. "We are modifying this penal system, which comes from the days of the dungeon. We are building new prisons and training prison staff, endowing prisons with equipment and more effective control", he explained.

The minister also pointed out that the control of the use of cellular phones in prisons has begun, as has the construction of new prisons intended for a smaller number of inmates. According to him, the measures being taken by the federal should do away with overcrowding and avoid prison escapes. (MW)