Cardoso fears return of relief policies

13/11/2002 - 19h25

Oxford (England), November 14, 2002 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - In an interview on the BBC Brazil, president Fernando Henrique Cardoso once again criticized the social program of his successor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. For the president, the future president's initiative in concerning himself with the question of hunger is positive, but he reiterated that he is not in favor of restoring policies that, in his view, are "hand-outs and unnecessary for the level of social improvements that already exist in Brazil."

The PT's Program to Combat Hunger, slated to begin January 1, proposes the distribution of coupons and magnetic cards, which will be exchanged by the population for food in establishments licensed by the federal government. The social policy of Cardoso's administration simply mandates the distribution of cards to mothers, in accordance with specific programs of income distribution.

One of the president's concerns is with the return of inflation. In his view, this is the largest problem that remains to be resolved: to increase the social benefits begun during his administration without putting economic stability at risk. (DAS)