Brazil will use Japanese digital TV format

29/06/2006 - 13h42

Cecília Jorge and Yara Aquino
Reporters - Agência Brasil

Brasília - A decree signed yesterday by president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva makes it official: Brazil will use the Japanese digital TV format to implant its own Brazilian system (Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre) (SBTD-T). Under the terms of the decree, Brazil will move from analog to digital transmissions over a period of ten years, and four new digital channels for public (government) broadcasting will be created: one for the executive branch, and others for education, citizenship and culture.

The Brazilian consumer will not have to go out and buy a new TV set when digital transmissions begin. The installation of a small converter will be sufficient. As for open TV broadcasters, they will automatically receive a digital channel which they will have 18 months to begin using for transmissions. Within seven years, broadcasters should be able to ensure that their digital transmissions will be nationwide. Only after ten years will the analog signal be terminated.

"This is project for all Brazilians," declared minister of Communications, Helio Costa.

Translation: Allen Bennett