Federal Police ordered to investigate bank account disclosure

20/03/2006 - 22h18

Ana Larissa Albuquerque
- Agência Brasil

Brasília – Minister of Justice, Márcio Thomaz Bastos, affirmed yesterday that the Federal Police will investigate the unauthorized disclosure of a bank account balance sheet (quebra de sigilo bancário). The owner of the bank account, Francenildo Santos da Costa, a caretaker-gardener has made declarations contradicting testimony by minister of Finance, Antônio Palocci..

"I have already ordered the director general of the Federal Police, Paulo Lacerda, to open an investigation into the matter and it will be done," declared the minister. "This is a serious crime and nobody is above the law so the Federal Police will punish whoever is guilty in this case. Unfortunately, this is a serious crime that is common in Brazil. We have to make people respect the privacy of other people."

Translation: Allen Bennett