Petrobras production has risen 12%

20/03/2006 - 15h13

Nielmar de Oliveira
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - Petrobras has announced that its combined production of petroleum and natural gas (in equivalent barrels) reached 2.28 million barrels in February, an increase of 12%, compared to February 2005, and an increase of 1%, compared to January 2006 production.

In February combined petroleum and natural gas domestic production reached a daily average of 2.03 million barrels, up 13.7%, compared to February 2005.

Petroleum production in February set a new record with a daily average of 1.758 million barrels.

In its international operations, Petrobras reports that February daily average production reached 257,842 barrels, 2.2% more than in January, mainly due to an increase in production levels in Bolivia.

Translation: Allen Bennett