Aloisio Milani
Repórter da Agência Brasil
Brasília – Since the beginning of the so-called "Mensalão" crisis, in which there was supposedly a huge slush fund that the PT was using to pay some members of Congress a sort of "monthly allowance" for their votes in favor of government projects, a total of two deputies have been expelled, four other resigned, four have now been absolved and eleven more await decisions by either the Ethics Council or a floor vote. In order to be expelled a deputy must have his expulsion formally proposed by the Ethics Council. If that happens the case then goes to a floor vote where 257 votes are needed for expulsion.
Last night the Chamber of Deputies voted to absolve Roberto Brant (PFL-GO) and Professor Luizinho (PT-SP).
Here is a breakdown on the situation of all the deputies accused of involvement in the "mensalão."
José Dirceu (PT-SP)
Roberto Jefferson (PTB-RJ)
Bispo Rodrigues (PL-RJ)
Valdemar Costa Neto (PL-SP)
Paulo Rocha (PT-PA)
José Borba (PMDB-PR)
Sandro Mabel (PL-GO)
Romeu Queiroz (PTB-MG)
Roberto Brant (PFL-MG)
Professor Luizinho (PT-SP)
Awaiting a floor vote:
João Magno (PT-MG)
Pedro Correa (PP-PE)
Pedro Henry (PP-MT)
Wanderval Santos (PL-SP)
Awaiting a decision by the Ethics Council:
João Paulo Cunha (PT-SP)
José Janene (PP-PR)
José Mentor (PT-SP)
Josias Gomes (PT-BA)
Vadão Gomes (PP-SP)
Onyx Lorenzoni (PFL-RS) *
Zulaiê Cobra (PSDB-SP) *
* The last two names are indirected involved. Onyx Lorenzoni (PFL-RS) is up for possible expulsion because he is accused of leaking secret information from the Parliamentary Investigative Commission (CPI); Zulaiê Cobra (PSDB-SP), is threatened with expulsion because she accused the PT of assassinating the mayor of Santo André, Celso Daniel.
Translation: Allen Bennett