Nielmar de Oliveira
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Rio - Petrobrás - Brazilian Petroleum, S.A. - and the government of the state of Goiás (through its Department of Infrastructure) signed a protocol of intentions today (2) to conduct joint technical-financial studies on infrastructure investments for the exportation of fuel alcohol.
One of the projects being contemplating is the construction of the country's first alcohol pipeline, linking the Paulinia refinery (Replan) in São Paulo to the Senador Canedo terminal in Goiás, with capacity to transport 4 billion liters. The investment will amount to around US$ 225 million.
The president of the company, José Sérgio Gabrielli, and the governor of Goiás, Marconi Perillo, participated in the ceremony, which was held at Petrobrás' headquarters in Rio de Janeiro.
Translation: David Silberstein