Lula: Brazil will help consolidate democracy in Bolivia

23/01/2006 - 6h01

Carolina Pimentel
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – Speaking during his weekly radio broadcast, president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva declared that the election of the new president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, was a demonstration of the fact that progressives were coming to power in Latin America.

"All over the continent, more progressive people are being elected. For the first time we see that there is a possibility that Latin America will not be treated like poor countries, or Third World countries, but take their place in the community of developed nations. In order to do that we need serious government that governs in the interest of the majority of the people," he said.

Lula went on to say that Brazil and other Latin American countries were "Interested in helping Bolivia consolidate its democracy, through a successful presidency of Evo Morales, and overcome the problems of the past.... Morales was elected with an absolute majority and has a majority in the lower house and fell short of a majority in the Senate only by one vote. He has a great chance of uniting Bolivia and making it possible for the poor to effectively participate and share in the country's wealth."

Translation: Allen Bennett