Unclaimed lottery prizes finance education

28/08/2005 - 18h54

Brasília - It turns out that in lottery-crazy Brazil a lot of bettors do not check the results very closely. The Caixa Econômica Federal, which runs most Brazilian lotteries (nine of them), reports that from January to July of this year, a total of US$17,8 milhões (R$ 42,9 milhões) in lottery prizes went unclaimed. And when a prize goes unclaimed for 90 days, it automatically goes to the University Student Financing Fund (Fies), which currently provides some 312,000 low-income university students with financial assistance.

Lottery results are available on the internet (www.caixa.com.br), on the radio, in newspapers and in lottery stores. Radiobras' Radio Nacional (980 kHz) gives the results from Monday to Saturday at 8:30 pm.

Translator: Allen Bennett