Lula: corruption investigations will follow normal rhythm

08/08/2005 - 9h01

Priscilla Mazenotti
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília - Speaking to the nation during his fortnightly radio program, Breakfast With the President, president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva declared that the executive branch must await "The normal rhythm of the corruption investigation by the Congress, the prosecutors, the Federal Police and the Office of the Controller General."

The president said the judicial system will do its part and those who are guilty will be punished.

Lula went on to say that the corruption charges have not paralyzed his administration. But he did say that there were other important things the Congress had to deal with. "I hope that the deputies and senators are willing to do both things at the same time. A complete investigation, along with votes on important issues. The executive branch is doing its part," he said.

The president pointed out that it was necessary "to work, work, work, in spite of the crisis," so the economy could grow, production could increase and jobs be created.

Translator: Allen Bennett