Petrobras reaches historical daily production record

02/06/2005 - 21h49

Douglas Corrêa
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio – Petrobras reached in May an average monthly production of 1 million 729 thousand barrels of oil per day, in Brazil, which represents an increase of 21.1% over the volume produced in May 2004 (1 million 428 thousand barrels per day – bpd).

According to their Press Management, the result is 15.8% above last year’s average (1 million 493 thousand bpd). The historical daily production record was obtained May 12th, when production reached 1 million 820 thousand bpd.

With this new production level, the company keeps its course to ensure Brazil’s oil self-sufficiency by the end of 2005 or beginning of 2006. Monthly average surpasses last monthly record (1 million 704 thousand bpd) by 25 thousand barrels, registered in April 2005, and by more than 236 thousand bpd the 2004 average production (1 million 493 thousand bpd).

During the nine first days of May, production was above 1 million 750 thousand bpd.

Translation: Andréa Alves