Keite Camacho
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - The number of Brazilians who favor prohibiting weapons sales in the country plummeted from 73.6% in March, 2004, to 48% this month. The index of those opposed to the ban rose from 23.4% to 48.8%. This is what is indicated in the 74th CNT/Sensus survey, released yesterday (22).
In the opinion of the president of the National Confederation of Transport (CNT), Clésio Andrade, the finding demonstrates a loss of confidence on the part of the population in disarmament as a solution to violence.
"This demonstrates that people are beginning to lose some of their confidence in disarmament, since violence has continued on the rise. People begin to worry about self-protection. From the moment you perceive that the State is not responding, you begin to want to have your own personal alternatives," he said.
The survey covered two thousand people in 24 states in the five Brazilian regions during the period February 15-17. The margin of error is 3%.
Translation: David Silberstein