Keite Camacho
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - The CNT/Sensus survey released today indicates that job creation is what most worries 48% of the people who were interviewed. In the previous survey, conducted in February, 2004, this theme concentrated the attentions of 53.3% of the population. The second item that most concerns the public in the current survey is the war on hunger, mentioned by 15.5% of the sample. In 2004, they represented 18%.
Next down the list come the campaign against violence (13.3%) and medical care (11.3%).
"Society is really worried about the matter of jobs and wants to be able to live decently," affirmed the president of the National Transportation Confederation (CNT), Clésio Andrade, during the presentation of the results of the 74th version of the CNT/Sensus survey.
The survey covered two thousand people in 24 states in five Brazilian regions during the period February 15-17.
Translation: David Silberstein