Agreement guarantees resources for agrarian reform in Goiás

22/02/2005 - 13h35

Luthianna Hollenbach
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The president of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), Rolf Hackbart, and the governor of Goiás, Marconi Perillo, signed an agreement today in the city of Goiânia to allocate US$ 27 million (R$ 72 million) to settle families of landless rural workers in the state.

"The purpose of the agreement is to acquire land and execute infrastructure projects on agrarian reform settlements," Hackbart informed. According to him, the federal government will contribute US$ 23 million (R$ 60 million), and the state government, the rest.

Hackbart said that Incra estimates there are over 8 thousand families bivouacked in Goiás waiting to be settled and that this year's goal is to settle 3 thousand families.

Translation: David Silberstein