Secretary says that alternative sentencing is already a reality in Brazil

03/09/2003 - 22h34

Rio, September 4, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The National Secretary of Justice, Cláudia Chagas, said yesterday (3) that alternative sentencing is already a reality in the country. The Secretary told the opening of the National Congress on Penal Administration that the Ministry of Justice has a National Center for the Support and Supervision of Alternative Sentences and Measures (Cenapa), which helps train public servants. The organ is in charge of implanting Centers of Support for alternative sentences and measures in all Brazilian states. 40 centers currently exist.

According to the Secretary, Cenapa transfers funds to these centers for the upkeep of the technical staff, composed of psychologists, social workers, and lawyers responsible for accompanying the beneficiaries of alternative sentences and measures in the execution of their penalties. Another function of the organ is to publicize the importance of alternative sentences. Funding comes from the National Prison Fund (Funpen).

For Chagas, the major challenge faced by the Ministry and the states is to heighten public awareness of the need for alternative sentencing. "Common sense says: You committed a crime; you have to go to jail. But not every crime warrants a jail sentence. Alternative sentencing is a sanction imposed by the State; it does not represent impunity." (DAS)