Brazil should resume financing exports of other countries

03/09/2003 - 22h40

Brasília, September 4, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The government is willing, as early as this year, to assume the risk of returning to the Reciprocal Credit Agreement (CCR) - a credit mechanism, through the agency of central banks, to help finance the exports of other countries in the processes of foreign trade. This estimate is made by the Minister of Development, Luiz Fernando Furlan, who promised a definition on this question in 30 days.

The CCR has been inactive for two years, and the doubt revolves around who is going to assume the risk, since the Brazilian Central Bank previously rejected the idea of acting as an intermediary in the process. "The government should underwrite the risk, because it is very small. History shows that non-payment was minimal," Furlan said. According to the Minister, as soon as the mechanism is readopted, it will be possible to intensify Brazil's trade with other countries, especially those in South America. (DAS)