Youth in situations of risk will receive instruction and work

14/03/2003 - 21h54

São Paulo, March 17, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Minister of the Special Secretariat for Human Rights, Nilmário Miranda, said on Friday (14), in this capital, that the nearly eight million young people currently in situations of risk in Brazil will be handled by the government on various fronts, especially on two: instruction and work. "We shall seek to expand projects that have already proved successful. For example, opening schools on weekends, holidays, and at night," he said.

The Minister added that a speedier diploma is needed for young people who dropped out of school. For this, according to Miranda, it is necessary "to find a method that guarantees the quality of instruction and the interest of young people."

The first job, in the Minister's view, is another focal point, chiefly where vocational training is concerned. "Whoever left school and has little income is not going to be able to get a chance without more training, more preparation for employment," he affirmed. The Minister participated in the debate "Young People's Lives: Human Rights or Violence?," sponsored by the Itaú Cultural. (DAS)